About Me

Born in 1993 I've been doing professional software engineering for over 10 years now, and I'll make you some software you can't refuse.

It all started with my dad putting me in front of his old Commodore 64 and pushing a BASIC handbook into my hands when I was 6. From there on I developed a strong interest in all things programming and ended up at ActionScript 3 where I shipped my first few pieces of software: Apps for the BlackBerry PlayBook, an amazing tablet of a bygone era.

Seeing there was no future in Flash anymore I transitioned to the JVM environment before entering the workforce. There I had the pleasure of coming into contact with fascinating technologies like PL/I, Cobol, z/OS, and started working on projects migrating those to a newer Java/C# codebase. My highlight of that era is an IBM HLASM macro interpreter I wrote for a complete IBM HLASM to Java transformation suite.

Soon though I moved to Full-Stack Software Development and started developing web apps one after the other using a stack consisting of Kotlin, TypeScript, Angular, and Docker. Then followed a period marked by doing mainly nodeJS development where I also got into architecture, distributed systems, and public cloud providers like Amazon Web Services.

This is when I started to really embrace my calling as a fully rounded software engineer and started designing software, it's architecture, the infrastructure surrounding it, and the environment fellow engineers require to really be productive. This coincided with me dipping my toes into product development to gain a better understanding of why we do what we do as software engineers.

Now I'm ready and able to engineer any product you might wish to create. Currently I'm using my broad skills to support companies and products that are moving into a more modern and digital environment. Did I mention I also have experience in hiring the engineers required for any such project?

Of course I don't just go to work. In my free time I try out exciting new technologies or tools that I may or may not end up using at work. That's how I got into looking at Rust, Go, and other tools and technologies that are just too new or radical to utilize in a commercial environment at the moment.

All of this is embodied by my motto which is a tongue-in-cheek adaptation of one of the most iconic lines of dialog ever heard in movie theaters:

I'll make you some software you can't refuse — The Codefather

You can take a look at my CV and Projects to gain a full understanding of my abilities and history.

Other than all this stuff I spend my time tinkering with my homelab (which is currently 3 servers strong), reading a few good books, getting together with my friends regularly, finding and drinking interesting beers, and flying the virtual skies.

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